Английские песни - Learn English songs: ноября 2015

Away in a manger - Christmas Songs

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head.
The stars in the sky looked down where He lay,
The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay.

The cattle are lowing, the poor Baby wakes,
But little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes.
I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky,
And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me, I pray.
Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care,
And take us to Heaven to live with Thee there.

Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me, I pray.
Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care,
And take us to Heaven to live with Thee there.
And take us to Heaven to live with Thee there.

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English songs

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Christmas Songs - Angels We Have Heard on High

Angels we have heard on high,
Sweetly singing o’er the plain
And the mountains in reply
Echoing their joyous strain 

Gloria, in excelsis Deo!
Gloria, in excelsis Deo!

Shepherds, why this jubilee,
Why your joyous strains prolong?
What the gladsome tidings be
Which inspire your heavenly songs?
Come to Bethlehem and see
Christ Whose birth the angels sing;
Come adore on bended knee
Christ, the Lord, the newborn King.
See Him in a manger laid,
Jesus, Lord of heaven and earth;
Mary, Joseph, lend your aid,
With us sing our Savior's birth
English songs

English songs

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Christmas Songs - Рождественские песни со словами

Приглашаю на Рождественские встречи с песнями на английском языке. В течение месяца вы увидите и  услышите известные Рождественские песни в исполнении разных певцов и музыкальных групп. Текст песен поможет понять и запомнить слова. Подпишитесь на блог или установите виджет Яндекса, чтобы узнавать о новых выпусках. А пока посмотрите ознакомительное видео

English songs

English songs

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